Restaurant Anyukám Mondta (Encs) in Encs

Restaurant Anyukám Mondta (Encs) - italian, hungarian food

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Restaurant Anyukám Mondta (Encs)

3860 Encs, Petőfi út 57.

Anyukám Mondta (Encs)
Petőfi út 57. , 3860 Encs

With quality ingredients and an Italian-Hungarian cuisine, restaurant Anyukám Mondta (“My Mother said”) awaits its quests in the town of Encs (20 mins from Miskolc).


Both of us have worked in Italy as a maitre d'hotel, a chef and as people who just love being there.

Time went by and, after a brief two-and-a-half-year detour via New York, we felt our home was waiting. So, we returned and first created a bar on the corner, then a pizzeria, and then the “Anyukám mondta” restaurant (literally: "my mother said").

The raw ingredients

Take a kilo of raspberries. Let's! Take a kilo of basil. Let's! Take a kilo of trout. Let's!
So far it sounds like the chorus in a Greek drama - or like a brisk march. But the raw ingredients are so very important. Outstanding raw ingredients are the true ingredients.
It's like the joke. When the midday bell doesn't chime one day the parish priest asks the bell ringer why it isn't chiming. The bell ringer replies to the parish priest that there are a number of reasons why. The priest asks what the first is. “The bell has been stolen.” The priest answers laconically, “Don't tell me the others.”
Raw ingredients are exactly like this. If they're not the best, then the story is essentially unimportant.

The kitchen

The matter of ovens is fundamental - like the primary theme in a jazz tune - upon which you can improvise superbly with vegetables, meat, fish and others.
All the food has the "my mother said" character, for example, the homemade pasta in the consommé. But my mother is like Woman's Own or like a literary character - she never makes a mistake.
The bread is as homemade as the snail's own house - we knead it at night, bake it in the morning and serve it fresh at lunch. The desserts are also homemade, homey Hungarian and homey Italian.

My mother said. Mamma ha detto fra l'altro.

Reserve your table online now for free through DiningCity: Anyukám mondta - Encs


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(35 értékelés)







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"Még visszatérek :)"

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Minden estben "vak randit" eszem,általában 4 fővel megyek,eddig minden alkalommal el voltunk ájulva a minőségi étkektől és a kiszolgálással!! Ha tehetném minden nap oda járnék,de ugyebár pest azért messze van,sajnos...Minden fogás szuper volt és egyben élmény,ha akarnék akkor sem tudnék egy hibát sem mondani....további sok sikert és rengeteg vendéget kívánok!!
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"Egy fantasztikus ebéd"

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Minden nagyon szuper volt
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