Kistücsök Restaurant - Food & Room**** (Balatonszemes) in Balatonszemes

Kistücsök Restaurant - Food & Room**** (Balatonszemes) - hungarian, international food

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New Year's Eve - On 31st December from 19pm. 22,900 HUF/person Valid until 31 December 2024

NEW YEAR'S EVE - We await our Guests with a menu composed of special dishes and a harmonizing wine list!

For the detailed offer please call the restaurant:
+36 84 360 133

Reserve Now

Kistücsök Restaurant - Food & Room**** (Balatonszemes)

8636 Balatonszemes, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 25.

Kistücsök Restaurant - Food & Room**** (Balatonszemes)
Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 25. , 8636 Balatonszemes

In Balatonszemes, with its excellent Hungarian cuisine and a wide range of select wines, restaurant Kistücsök awaits its guests.

"The love of tradition involves the love of the future" – Lalla Romano. This motto taken from the famous Italian writer is close to the philosophy of Kistücsök.

Almost two decades ago, when I took over the restaurant I was in my mid-twenties and had ideas, plans and dreams. Initially, I may not have been able to accurately specify the goals and the paths leading to achieving them, but since then I have built such paths knowingly and systematically; in addition, the gastronomic culture and environment were also quite different at that time. And then something was started. Thanks to one of my widely travelled guests with whom I have had a close friendship since that time, I became more and more interested in the world of restaurants. We had a lot of conversations and started to take culinary "study trips”. The world opened and thanks to the experiences and international examples, step by step I got a more and more precise vision on what kind of restaurant I want to create. It is beyond doubt that László Jahni senior chef and the whole team of the restaurant had a significant role in the implementation, and without them we would not be at the stage where we are now.

I think the honour that Kistücsök is among the ten best restaurants of the country with the award of “Restaurant Owner of the year in 2010” confirms that we are on the right track. Through our foods and wines we would like to introduce our region, our Lake Balaton. Respect, local traditions and raw materials are essential for us as we owe our origins to these roots but we also keep a close eye on renewal and innovation. I believe it is important to understand and speak about these principles, therefore, we participate in the life of the domestic gastronomical community. We motivate others to use the raw materials of our region, and maintain close and trustful relationships with the producers, fishermen and winemakers of the region. Our mission is to establish a connection between them, thereby elevating wine and food culture to its deserved place in this area.

I had a lot of plans for the next years. I trust that I will be able to achieve them step by step – together with my team. For the meantime I look forward to meet you here in Kistücsök!

Reserve your table online now for free through DiningCity: Kistücsök Restaurant - Food & Room**** – Balatonszemes


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(364 értékelés)







"Volt jobb is."

food: 4 service: 4 ambience: 3
Már többször voltunk itt, de most nem volt az igazi. Lényegében csalódás volt a eddigiekhez képest. A kiszolgálás jó volt, de nagyon személytelen. A konyha nem volt átütő, mint az előző esetekben, a főételek jók, de nem kiválóak. A madártej ízre jó volt, de hígabb a megszokottnál, a krémes is csak jó volt. Sokkal többet vártunk, ezért egy ideig kerüljük az éttermet.
Daubner László - Sunday 04/08/2024

"Kellemes idők"

food: 5 service: 5 ambience: 5
Nagyon kellemes időt töltöttünk az étteremben. Letisztult, szép beltér fogad, jól átgondolt étlap és ételek. Nincs túlgondolva, pont azt adja, amit ígér. Már nem először voltunk a Kistücsökben, és sosem okoztak még csalódást.
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food: 4 service: 5 ambience: 4
Teljesen szuper volt, nagyon szépen köszönjük az estét
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food: 5 service: 5 ambience: 5
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food: 5 service: 5 ambience: 5
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"családias hangulat, minőségi,ételek, profi személyzet"

food: 5 service: 5 ambience: 5
Nagyon finomak voltak az ételek, tálalásuk is megfelelő, az italkínálat és kóstoló szintén. a somelier felkészült volt, jó ajánlásokat tett. A konyhának köszönjük a gasztronómiai élményt! A hangulat családias volt, abszolút figyelembe véve a foglalásnál kért szempontokat, de mégis szeparáltan tudtunk leülni..
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