Best restaurants - Hungarian cuisine page 4



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2040 Budaörs, Károly király utca 28.

Relaxing lunch with friends - romantic dinner - professional business meeting.


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2091 Etyek, Báthori utca 21.

The Most Beautiful Estate in Hungary 2022. Award winning wines & sparkling wines with gastronomic experiences.

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152 restaurants found




2040 Budaörs, Károly király utca 28.




2091 Etyek, Báthori utca 21.

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For the fans of Hungarian flavors

Small country with big gastronomy. Hungary has a lot of specialties to offer, like lecsó, lángos or madártej. These unique dishes fill your stomach and heart as well. We collected the best Hungarian restaurants in Budapest and the country, so you can find a place easily to make a closer friendship with traditional domestic cuisine. Let us be your guide in the amazing gastronomy of Hungary!

From classic to fine dining

No matter if you are looking for something simple and regular, or you want to taste something special, we surely have an offer for you at DiningCity. A hint of luxury or a big spoon is a rural atmosphere - the Hungarian restaurants of Budapest are waiting for you.

These places are not just for eating: you can taste the authentic atmosphere of the city and the country, meet local people and become a part of the community. There is no better way to make new friends, than to clink glasses with a good wine next to a delicious food.

The best places just a click away

Before you head the city to have lunch or supper, check out the places on our site! This will not only save your time, but you can avoid unpleasant surprises as well. You can go for sure thanks to the detailed database of DiningCity: you can ascertain that the menu card is for your taste, the prices are not too high for your budget, and you can check if paying with credit card or voucher is possible. Do you trust more the opinion of the community? Read the reviews of former guests, to get the full picture of the selected place.

Browse through the Hungarian restaurants of Budapest and book table with a few simple steps on our site!